As explained in the previous text on “why men lose their hair” male androgenetic alopecia is associated with increased 5-alpha reductase activity which, genetically, leads to higher DHT levels, but this has mainly been studied, if not exclusively, in males.
If we think that the balding process is caused by androgens, androgenetic alopecia would be present only in androgen sensitive areas, these receptors have been found only in the frontal areas and crown, in fact, in males androgenetic alopecia is present only in these areas.
In women, however, it is not so:
1) In women, alopecia usually also spreads to areas that are not sensitive to androgens and can therefore also involve areas not affected by male androgenetic alopecia, in fact we do not have an evolution with a Norwood-style pattern, but a general reduction.
2) Follicular miniaturization is different, initially at least, there isn't a big loss of depth, it's more a matter of thickness, the hair shafts become thinner but remain long.
3) Women practically never become really bald, usually it is hypotrichia (hypotrichia means hair that becomes thin and sparse).
4) 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (anti-dht) appear to be practically ineffective in women, at best, have an almost negligible effect.
Given these premises, we have therefore explained that hair problems in women (hair that continually falls out, becomes thinner or sparser) are not caused by dht, but by inadequate activity of estrone at the follicular level, estrone serves in fact to grow a new anagen (anagen means hair growing) healthy.
It is a very common problem that affects a LARGE PART of women (it is estimated between 30% and 50%) who, unfortunately, don't even know they suffer from it and try to cure themselves always using the famous "vitamins for hair", which they certainly do well, but that have no connection with the problem.
This is because unfortunately, despite being the most common problem, was discovered not so long ago and this is still rarely discussed.
For this reason, we have created the most complete natural products in the world to combat the most common problem in women's hair, the hypotrichia estrone deficiency.
If we think that the balding process is caused by androgens, androgenetic alopecia would be present only in androgen sensitive areas, these receptors have been found only in the frontal areas and crown, in fact, in males androgenetic alopecia is present only in these areas.
In women, however, it is not so:
1) In women, alopecia usually also spreads to areas that are not sensitive to androgens and can therefore also involve areas not affected by male androgenetic alopecia, in fact we do not have an evolution with a Norwood-style pattern, but a general reduction.
2) Follicular miniaturization is different, initially at least, there isn't a big loss of depth, it's more a matter of thickness, the hair shafts become thinner but remain long.
3) Women practically never become really bald, usually it is hypotrichia (hypotrichia means hair that becomes thin and sparse).
4) 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (anti-dht) appear to be practically ineffective in women, at best, have an almost negligible effect.
Given these premises, we have therefore explained that hair problems in women (hair that continually falls out, becomes thinner or sparser) are not caused by dht, but by inadequate activity of estrone at the follicular level, estrone serves in fact to grow a new anagen (anagen means hair growing) healthy.
It is a very common problem that affects a LARGE PART of women (it is estimated between 30% and 50%) who, unfortunately, don't even know they suffer from it and try to cure themselves always using the famous "vitamins for hair", which they certainly do well, but that have no connection with the problem.
This is because unfortunately, despite being the most common problem, was discovered not so long ago and this is still rarely discussed.
For this reason, we have created the most complete natural products in the world to combat the most common problem in women's hair, the hypotrichia estrone deficiency.