On this page you will find information on the most frequently asked questions, if you still need further information remember that you can always contact us through our social channels or through the "Contact Us" page.

How much are the shipping costs?
Shipping costs amount to 3.99€ but are free for orders from 55€
How long will it take to receive my order?
Shipping times are 2-3 working days for Italy and 3-4 days for all other countries. You will receive by email a tracking code that you can use to check the shipping status directly on the courier's website.
I'm bald, can your products make my hair come back?
No, there is no product in the world that can make your hair go back if you are completely bald, if someone tells you otherwise, know that they are trying to scam you, you can only act before the bulb is completely atrophied (dead), after which your the only alternative will be the transplant, but be careful that you may need to be treated even after the transplant, do not neglect yourself.
Can I use only one of the three products or do I have to use all three?
This depends on your starting situation, if you have very thinned areas to recover it is recommended to use all three products, if instead you just need to keep your androgenetic alopecia at bay, just the supplement is enough, which is the key product of this project .
In fact, we remind you that our supplement was born as a natural alternative to 1 mg finasteride medicine, so it has the task of stopping androgenetic alopecia.
Our lotion was created as an alternative to minoxidil and therefore has the task of helping recovery in the most thinned areas.
Finally, the shampoo, which has the task of enhancing the effects of the other two products and keeping your scalp healthy in daily washes, which you absolutely must do if you use our lotion (or minoxidil) daily.
How long will it take to see the first results?
To see the first results you have to wait at least 6 months from the start of the treatment.
How long does the cure last?
For the first 2 years you are in a recovery phase, but this does not mean that after you have to stop, in fact, as long as you cure your androgenetic alopecia it will be stopped, if you stop treating yourself, androgenetic alopecia will return.
Is it bad to wash your hair every day?
It absolutely does not hurt! Frequent washing does not damage the hair, on the contrary, it is especially useful for people who have scalp problems. In fact, if the excess sebum is not eliminated, the scalp could be affected with unpleasant consequences also for the hair shaft.
It is no coincidence that people who suffer from hair loss often have to deal with seborrheic dermatitis or with oily hair.
What damages hair health is not daily washing, but the use of a poor quality shampoo. On the market it is easy to find products that contain aggressive surfactants that can damage the hair shaft and promote dehydration with consequent fragility and deterioration. It is important to always use a shampoo formulated with delicate ingredients and avoid using very high temperatures for drying.
How do I know it's not a scam? around is full of products that say they make hair grow back and stop falling out.
We realized that it is full of advertisements that continue to offer products against hair loss without any logic, in fact, as we explained on our "home page" there is nothing that stops hair loss apart from those two drugs. our products are only natural alternatives to those two drugs.
The fault is YOURS if these companies continue to exist, hair loss can be stopped, but not with those cosmetic products, if you had gone to a trichologist he would have explained all this to you, also probably going to a trichologist you would have saved a lot of money in useless products, stop continuing to finance scams and if you have a problem go to the doctor or at least get well informed on the subject.
If you still don't believe it, try doing a simple google search, you will find that everything we have written is true, we have also created a page on the site (our ingredients) in which we have included some of the studies carried out on the ingredients we have used, correlates of respective bibliography if you want to deepen the topic.
If you still need certainties, read here what SITRI (Italian society of trichology) says about androgenetic alopecia: https://www.sitri.it/faq/si-puo-curare-lalopecia-androgenetica-quali-i-risultati/
Do I have to go to the trichologist before using your products?
Our products, unlike the drugs we talk about on the site, do not require a prescription.
However, it is recommended that you be followed by your trusted trichologist.
Can I use microneedling (derma roller) together with lotion?
According to a study (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30886475/) where microneedling (derma roller) was used together with minoxidil, it can increase the absorption of lotions, hence increase the positive effects.
You can therefore use it, but be careful not to overdo it, because if you overdo it it could even lead to inflammation, wounds and consequently worsen the situation.